Come hear from the Legislative Committee, Intellectual Freedom Committee, and State Library Services about what the "Access to Library Materials and Rights Protected" law is (and what it isn't!). We'll share model collection development and reconsideration policies and procedures, what to share with governing bodies and stakeholders, how to report challenges to State Library Services, and how MLA supports members facing challenges.
Sarah Hawkins is the Assistant Director of Centralized Services for Anoka County Library. She is currently the Co-Chair of MLA's Legislative Committee.
Digital Learning & Instructional Media Coordinator, Osseo Area Schools
Andi Bodeau is the Digital Learning & Instructional Media Coordinator for Osseo Area Schools. During her career, she has worked as a K-12 library media specialist and a district technology integration specialist. She is a past co-president of ITEM and currently chairs the Intellectual... Read More →